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Jamie Gaunt Designs

I'm a designer and maker of homewares based in a workshop that lies in the heart of the 'Garden of England', Kent.

Surrounded by oak, beech, birch, ash, hazel and alder woods, rolling hills and fertile farmland, this slice of England is a wood workers paradise.
There are rich and varying sources of timber to be found all over our countryside if you know where to look. The best of these places undoubtably being the local woods and forests that surround my home on Toys Hill. Fallen wood contributes 90% of the material from which I work. The workshop may be where I weald my carving axe and knife but it's in these rich and diverse wooded areas that the hard work is really done. Nature has been growing the wood for a very long time, centuries even, I merely freeze it in a moment in time by designing something unique to help reveal its true and raw self.

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